Monday, March 17, 2008

Manic Monday

I hate Mondays. I really do.

It is bad enough I get no sleep on my weekends since my darling boy loves to wake me up at the late hour of 6:30. Yay. But Sunday nights I NEVER sleep.

I have no idea why? But I will say that it makes for a super fun Monday.

Today has been so much fun already. I was throwing a load in the dryer this morning when I felt something grab my leg. Turns out it was a someone. I JUMPED like at least 10 feet.

"Bean, you SCARED the doody out of momma."

"Hee-hee" Bean said as he ran down the hallway. Ah well. At least he was in a good mood. Rare for a weekday morning.

Then I went to Starbucks and my coffee tastes like crap. But HOW do they screw up a caramel macchiato? I get them ALL the time.

It may be a conspiracy. Bud HATES that Starbucks is my new vice so maybe he asked the nice Starbucks people to ruin my lovely coffee.

But no matter. My day is looking up already. I received my FIRST award evah! From Laskigal

a new blog friend of mine.

Go check out her blog. She does an amazing recap of American Idol. I love it.
I have never handed out awards but I will for a few people out there.
1. Law student hot mama - Please if you haven't yet go check out her blog. She is a riot and makes me giggle everyday.
2. Burgh Baby - She also cracks me up. I feel like I really get what she is saying since I too, have a toddler that runs my house.
3. Life according to Lizzy - reading her blog reassures me that one day Bean will grow up and I'll have even more worries at that point. Plus she is such a sweetie! Check her out!
4. Zoe - Ah Zoe. Girl you CRACK me up too. You remind me that we are all human and motherhood is no walk in the park. Love your stuff!
Okay I passed my award on. I expect more one day. Ahem.


Lori said...

rainy days and Mondays... things you never adjust to especially as a parent! Hope your day continues to go smoothly

KG said...

Thanks, man! And congrats on your award! :-)

Melissa said...

I hate that. You find something you really like and are comfortable with it and someone else messes it up. I don't do well with that :)

Melissa said...

I hate that. You find something you really like and are comfortable with it and someone else messes it up. I don't do well with that :)

Unknown said...

Congrats on your first award!

I hate it when Sbucks screws up my coffee drink. Somehow I always end up being that person who's order takes 10 minutes and all the people who ordered after me get theirs and I wait and wait... then ask if they remembered it and they act like I'm a jerk for asking, because DUH they had to wait until all other orders had been filled to complete that one.

Lizzy in the Burbs said...

Hi, there!

Thanks so much for the award and the kind words, I truly appreciate it! Congrats to you for receiving it, also, I think YOU are great, and enjoy reading about you and your family! (especially that little Bean-cutie!)


Don Mills Diva said...

Congratulations on your award!