Monday, September 8, 2008


So I am proof I guess that the current economy sucks.
I have applied to oh I want to say about 30 jobs. And have had one, yes ONE interview.
I mean I expect a little more of SOMETHING! A call, an e-mail, JUST SOMETHING letting me know that each attempt at applying to a job is not a black hole.
I was told at the ONE interview to expect a call, good or bad, last week. Well hello it is MONDAY. I mean really?
I am going crazy here with worry over not getting a job. Ever.
So will someone give me some good job vibes? I need 'em!


Burgh Baby said...

Um, hon, 1 in 30 is a damn good ratio. Seriously. You ARE doing good!

Confessions of A Mississippi Mom said...

glad you are back... and you are doing good , don't sweat it.

Lori said...

the right job will come... just have confidence that you will get the right one and not have to bother with the wrong one first

Anonymous said...

Like I said on Plurk, it will happen, it just seems employers move really, really slowly. A girlfriend of mine took a job last month that she applied to 5 months ago... How's THAT for freaking ridiculous???

Anonymous said...

Darlin, it's just a numbers game. Keep applying. Sending good job vibes yor way.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Burgh. That's a great ratio. My hubby's had a total of four interviews in 4 years. With 100s of resumes sent out.

Cynthia said...

Wow, that is tough...sending vibes.......

Unknown said...

Oh dear lord...when I have to get back into the job market I am screwed!

Sending good vibes your way. Until then, can you just raise farm animals to sell?

CanadianMama said...

I'm sending you "get a job that pays better than your old job" vibes!!

PBandJ said...

Yep, time to start raising farm animals and seling home grown veggies... The right job will come along, it sometimes just takes a while; I know it can be frustrating, though, so... sending good vibes!

OHmommy said...

Wow. That is good proof. Hoping you get some more calls.